Clusters the points from the input point layer using Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBScan) algorithm. The clusters are defined as continuous areas of high density points. Two parameters are used to control the cluster creation - Cluster Tolerance and Minimum Number Points to be used for cluster creation.
Source Points
Clustered Points Classified using the values in the ClusterID field
Cluster Polygons overlaid with the source points Minimum Number Points = 4
Cluster Polygons overlaid with the source points Minimum Number Points = 28
Expression | Explanation |
Function Name | ClusterPointsDBScan |
<input dataset> | A String representing the input layer. Must be of Point type. |
<output dataset> | A String - the full name of the output layer. |
<Cluster Tolearance> | A Double representing the Cluster Tolerance( in the units of the spatial reference of the input dataset). |
<Min Number Points> | An Integer representing the Minimum number points (see above). |
<Output Type> | A String ("Point" or "Polygon") indicating the desired output (see above). |
ETGWPath used in the table below is the full path to ETGWRun.exe (E.G. "C:\Program Files\ETSpatial Techniques\ETGeo Wizards\ETGWRun.exe")
Language | Syntax |
Python |[ETGWPath, "ClusterPointsDBScan", "input dataset", "output dataset", "Cluster Tolearance", "Min Number Points", "Output Type"]) |
.NET using ETGWRun.exe | StartInfo.FileName = ETGWPath StartInfo.Arguments = "ClusterPointsDBScan" "input dataset" "output dataset" "Cluster Tolearance" "Min Number Points" "Output Type" |
.NET using ETGWOutX.dll | ClusterPointsDBScan(input dataset, output dataset, Cluster Tolearance, Min Number Points, Output Type) |
ArcPy | arcpy.ClusterPointsDBScan(input dataset, output dataset, "Cluster Tolearance", "Min Number Points", "Output Type") |
<> - required parameter
{} - optional parameter
The argument separator for StartInfo.Arguments is space. If a string might contain a space, you need to double quote it.