
Running programmatically

Eliminates unwanted polygons (slivers) by merging them into the neighboring polygons.



Notes :


Before Eliminate

Before Eliminate

Eliminated with Largest Area option

Eliminated with Largest Area option

Eliminated with Longest boundary option

Eliminated with Longest boundary option

Running Programmatically

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Expression Explanation
Function Name Eliminate
<input dataset> A String representing the input layer. Must be of Polygon type.
<output dataset> A String - the full name of the output layer.
<Eliminate Method> Required. A String - valid values:
  • "Largest" - The polygons will be eliminated by joining them to the neighboring polygons that have the largest area
  • "Longest" - The polygons will be eliminated by joining them to the neighboring polygons with the longest common border .
  • "Join Field" - The polygons will be eliminated by joining them to the neighboring polygons with the same value in the selected field as the sliver polygons.
<SQL Expression> A String representing the selection expression. Example: Shape_Area < 200 AND Name = 'a'
{Join Field} A String representing a field name to be used in the elimination process. Used only if the elimination method is "Join Field"

Running the function

ETGWPath used in the table below is the  full path to ETGWRun.exe (E.G. "C:\Program Files\ETSpatial Techniques\ETGeo Wizards\ETGWRun.exe")

Language Syntax
Python subprocess.call([ETGWPath, "Eliminate", "input dataset",  "output dataset", "Eliminate Method", "SQL Expression", "Join Field"])
.NET using ETGWRun.exe StartInfo.FileName = ETGWPath
StartInfo.Arguments = "Eliminate" "input dataset" "output dataset" "Eliminate Method" "SQL Expression" "Join Field"
.NET using ETGWOutX.dll Eliminate(input dataset, output dataset, Eliminate Method, SQL Expression", Join Field)
ArcPy arcpy.Eliminate(input dataset, output dataset, "Eliminate Method" , "SQL Expression", "Join Field")


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