Flip PolylineZ

Running programmatically

Changes the directions of the polylines from a PolylineZ dataset. In the resulting feature class the polylines will be oriented Up Slope (start from the node with the lower Z value and finis at the node with higher Z value) or Down Slope (start from the node with the higher Z value and finis at the node with lower Z value)




Input Dataset


Flipped - Down Slope option

down slope

Flipped - Up Slope option

up slope

Running Programmatically

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Expression Explanation
Function Name FlipPolylinesZ
<input dataset> A String representing the input layer.
<output dataset> A String - the full name of the output layer.
>Down Slope> A Boolean indicating the direction of the slope. TRUE = Down Slope.

Running the function

ETGWPath used in the table below is the  full path to ETGWRun.exe (E.G. "C:\Program Files\ETSpatial Techniques\ETGeo Wizards\ETGWRun.exe")

Language Syntax
Python subprocess.call([ETGWPath, "FlipPolylinesZ", "input dataset", "output dataset", "Down Slope"])
.NET using ETGWRun.exe StartInfo.FileName = ETGWPath
StartInfo.Arguments = "FlipPolylinesZ" "input dataset" "output dataset" "Down Slope"
.NET using ETGWOutX.dll FlipPolylinesZ(input dataset, output dataset,Down Slope)
ArcPy arcpy.FlipPolylinesZ(input dataset, output dataset,Down Slope)


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