How to use ET Surface as a stand alone application

A. Via the User Interface

  1. Clicking on the ET Surface 7.0 will introduce the ET Surface main dialog
  2. Select the appropriate group of functions in the navigation panel on the left.
  3. Select the function required.
  4. The appropriate topic of the User Guide will be displayed in the Help Window
  5. To run the selected function click the GO button or the Run icon next the the function name. You can also double click the function name.


The dialog for each function has a Help Tab that contains the full help topic for the current function.

B. In Python scripts.

All the functions of ET Surface can be used in Python Scripts by calling ETSRun.exe located in the installation folder of ET Surface using the Subprocess Python module. ET Surface 7.0 is a native 64-bit application, but since it runs in a separate process, it can be used from 32 and 64 bit Python.

Below is an example of using a function of ET Surface within a Python script

Calling the script CreateTin from Command Prompt

python.exe "c:\testData\points.shp" "c:\testData\pointTin" "Elevation" "Points"
import sys, subprocess
argList = sys.argv
print (len(argList))
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
     print ("Usage:" , "CreateTin <input_dataset> <output_tin> <elevation_field>); <triangulation_method>
     etsPath = r"C:\Program Files\ETSpatialTechniques\ETSurface\ETSRun.exe"
     etFunction = "CreateTin"
     inputDataset = argList[1]
     outputTin = argList[2]
     elevation_field = argList[3]
     triangulation_method = argList[4]
     print ("Input: " , inputDataset)
     print ("Output: " , outputTin)

     retCode =[etsPath, etFunction, inputDataset, outputTin, elevation_field, triangulation_method])
     if retCode == 0:
          print ("Success")
         print (retCode)

The location of ETSRun.exe can be derived from the registry using:

hKey = _winreg.OpenKey (_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SOFTWARE\ETSpatialTechniques\ETSurface", 0, _winreg.KEY_READ|_winreg. KEY_WOW64_64KEY)
myPath = _winreg.QueryValueEx(hKey, "InstallPath")[0]
etsPath = myPath+r"ETSRun.exe"

C. In .NET applications

The functionality of ET Surface can be also used in custom .NET applications. See this topic for details

D. From the Command Prompt

The functionality of ET Surface can be executed directly from the DOS command prompt. Example:

ETSRun.exe "CreateTin" "c:\testData\points.shp" "c:\testData\pointTin" "Elevation" "Points"
