General settings for the
Profile Window can be adjusted by the user from the Profile settings dialog
(Settings Menu ==> Profile Settings).
On the General tab the
user can set a title for the profile, its font and colour as well as styles and colours for the
background and the profile area.
The Axis Settings tab allows adjusting
the fonts and colours for the axis labels
the color, width, length and visibility of tick marks
the style, width and color of grid lines
Data Display options
Adjusting Z scale (the difference of the representation of the
distances in length and height. Z Scale = 2 for example will mean
that 250 meters height will be equal to 500 meters length on the
profile display).
Automatic - the software will calculate Z Scale based on the
profile data and the size of the Profile Window.
User Assigned - the user can set explicitly the Z
Scale for drawing the profile. Note that this might cause not
the entire profile to be visible. The user might need to
adjust the size of the Profile Window or the zoom factor.
Profile Base (the lowest Z value to be displayed). Initially the Profile
Base is calculated by the software based on the profile data
and the size of the Profile Window. The user can adjust the Profile
Base explicitly. To facilitate this the highest and lowest Z values
of the current profile are indicated in the dialog.
Sample Distance - the distance (in the units of the spatial
reference of the data frame) along the cross-section polyline data
points are interpolated from the surface. The sample distance can be
adjusted from the Data Display tab of the Profile Settings or
directly from Settings ==> Sample Distance. The Profile Settings Dialog
allows the user to indicate whether the Sample Distance will be used
for profiles derived from TIN surfaces. See the discussion about
Sample Distance.