Raster Slope

ToolBox Implementation .NET Implementation
Calculates the slope of each cell of the input raster in percent or degrees. The result added to ArcMap is categorized in 8 groups.

Read more about Slope and its importance here




Source Elevation raster

Result Slope raster (Degrees option used)


ToolBox implementation

Command line syntax

ETS_GPRasterSlope <Input Raster>  <Out Raster> <Slope Units>


Expression Explanation
<Input Raster> A Raster dataset or Raster layer
<Out Raster> A String - the full name of the output raster (A raster with the same full name should not exist). The output raster type depends on the extension of the output file(see Notes above)
<Slope Units> A String indicating the slope units. Valid inputs "Degrees" and "Percent"

Scripting syntax

ETS_GPRasterSlope (Input Raster,  Out_Raster, Slope Units)

See the explanations above:
<> - required parameter
{} - optional parameter

.NET implementation
(Go to TOP)

RasterSlope (inRasterDataset As IRasterDataset2, sOutRaster As String, bDegrees As Boolean) As IRasterDataset2

Copyright © Ianko Tchoukanski