SURFACE - no 3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst required
- Build TIN - 2D or 3D
- Extract Points elevation from a TIN - 3D shapefile
- Create PolygonZ or PolylineZ from a Polygon or Polyline theme - elevations interpolated
from a TIN
- Derive slope from a TIN - 3D Polygon
- Derive aspect from a TIN - 3D Polygon
- Derive Hillshade from a TIN - 3D Polygon
- Interpolate contours from a TIN - 3D Polygon
- Illuminate faces of a TIN - 3D Polygon
- Buffer (polygon, polyline, point) theme with constant or defined by an attribute buffer
- Clip (polygon , polyline, point) theme with the selected features of a polygon theme.
Attributes are transferred according to user defined attribute split rules.
- Batch clip - clip multiple themes with a single process
- Erase (polygon , polyline, point) theme with the selected features of a polygon theme.
Attributes are transferred according to user defined attribute split rules
- Batch erase- erase multiple themes with a single process
- Spatially transfer attributes (user selected fields) from a polygon theme to a point,
polyline or polygon theme
- Transfer attributes from one polygon theme to another depending on
the type of the attribute
- count (sum proportion) - census data
- value (weighted average) - rainfall etc.
- type (majority) - soil type etc
- Reverse geocoding (Attributes from polyline theme)
- Transfer attributes from a polyline theme to a point theme
- Calculate point address from a street theme
- double range (US Street) addresses
- single range addresses
- Measure Points - transfers the maesures from a PolylineM(Z) to an attribute in a point
- Moves (Translates) theme with user defined origin and destination points. The Dialog
allows input of the Origin and Destination points, snapping them to features of the active
theme or input of dX and dY values.
- Rotates a theme (applied to selected features) around user specified rotation point.
- Converts Multi-Part features to Single- part. The attributes are transferred according
user defined rules
- Sort Shapes
- Cleans themes from NULL features. If the theme is of Polygon type cleans the
"Leaking" polygons.
- Build Convex Hull Polygons from point theme
- Build Thiessen Polygon from polyline and point themes
- Bivariate legend - apply brightness values from a field to a polygon theme's legend
- Create vector grid theme
- user defined grid area
- different intervals in X and Y directions
- for projected views grid in Decimal Degrees or the View's units
- export the grid as a shape file with attribute value for each grid line
- User can select the type of grid
(Polyline or Polygon) to be created
A. Global
- Clean polyline theme
- intersect - Checks for self intersecting polylines and creates
- clean over and undershoot
- clean pseudo nodes - Dissolve (the user can define multiple dissolve items)
- clean duplicate lines
- Export nodes (regular, pseudo, dangling) to a point theme with a
link to the polyline theme
- Close rings procedure
- Generalize polylines
- Smooth polylines
- Densify polylines
- Flip polylines
- Edge Match polyline themes
- Adjust polyline theme
- Renode polylines
- Split polyline with point, polygon or polyline theme. Updates
attributes according user defined split rules
- Split polyline in all vertices. Creates single segmented polylines. Updates attributes according user defined split rules
- Build polygon themes from polyline(Can get attributes from a point theme)
- Export polyline theme to point theme
- export nodes, vertices or center of segments
- write the segment bearings to the point attribute table
- points have an order attribute and unique ID linking them to the source polylines for
easy conversion back to polyline theme
- all the attributes are transferred
- allows rotating the point symbols with the bearing of the pertaining line segments
- Copy attributes from point theme to Polyline theme
B. Local:
tools keep topology - create intersections, keep attributes according to user defined edit
theme properties)
- global snapping (node, vertex,
nearest). Snap to another theme - Polyline,
Point, Polygon, PolylineM(Z), PointM(Z), PolygonM(Z)
- draws nodes and node errors
(dangling, pseudo)
- select with
- rectangle (inside or crossing)
- polygon (inside or crossing)
- circle (inside or crossing)
- polyline
- extend a polyline to the closest polyline (keeps the direction of the last line segment)
- extend two polylines to their intersection
- split polyline:
- by user defined points
- in every vertex
- by user defined distance from the beginning
- by user defined percentage from the beginning
- in equal intervals by user defined length
- in equal intervals by user defined number of intervals
- in closest vertex
- move node (all the linked polylines are maintained linked to the node)
- join separated nodes in user defined area
- add polygon as polyline
- erase with user user drawn polygon. Updates attributes according
user defined split rules
- offset by user defined distance
- create centerline of two polylines (from current theme or another one)
- spline polyline
- densify polyline
- copy features from another theme
- local erase with selected features from a polygon theme. Updates
attributes according user defined split rules
- add new polyline with attributes
- copy and pastes attributes (user defines fields to be copied) between themes and from
one feature to another
- Convert Polyline to Point theme. Points have an order attribute for easy conversion back
to polyline. All the attributes from the polyline theme are transferred to the point theme
- Convert Polyline to Center Point theme. Converts polyline theme to point
theme. For each
polyline the center (middle) point is calculated and added to the point theme.
- Convert Polygon to Point theme. Points have an order attribute for easy conversion back
to polygon. All the attributes from the polygon theme are transferred to the point theme
- Convert PolylineM(Z) to Point theme. M (Z) values are stored in an attribute field
- Convert PolylgonM(Z) to Point theme. M (Z) values are stored in an attribute field
- Convert Point theme to Polyline theme. The points can have an order attribute to define
their sequence in the polyline.
- Convert Point theme to Polygon theme. The points can have an order attribute to define
their sequence in the polygon
- Convert PointM(Z) to Point theme. M (Z) values are stored in an attribute field
- Convert Point to PlygonM(Z) theme. Gets M (Z) values from an attribute field
- Convert Point to PlylineM(Z) theme. Gets M (Z) values from an attribute field
- Convert Point to PointM(Z) theme. Gets M (Z) values from an attribute field
COGO - traverse
- Add traverse as a graphic or as a feature to the current Polyline or Polygon theme
- Input bearing as:
- Decimal degrees (45.2375)
- Azimuth (N 45 23 00 E)
- Define TakeOff point by:
- X & Y
- Interactively
- Start or End point of the selected feature
- Closest vertex of the selected feature
- Freehand
- Add courses
- Straight
- Distance & Bearing
- X & Y
- dX & dY
- Get bearing from a feature - allows adding courses parallel or
perpendicular to existing features
- Fillet - Distance, Bearing & Fillet radius
- Tangent curve
- Chord length & Delta
- Chord length & Radius
- Chord length & Arc length
- Arc length & Radius
- Arc length & Delta
- Radius & Delta
- Non tangent curve
- Chord length, Chord Bearing & Radius
- Chord length, Chord Bearing & Arc length
- Chord length, Chord Bearing & Delta
A. Global
- Clean polygon theme:
- explode multipart polygons
- repair corrupted polygons (sometimes inherited from CAD drawings)
- create intersections whenever polygons overlap
- Eliminate: - remove sliver polygons
- three methods to select polygons to be removed:
- logical expression (e.g. AREA < 0.02)
- thickness ratio - user specified tolerance for selecting "skinny" polygons
- circularity - another way for identifying sliver polygons
- three methods to remove selected polygons
- join to the adjacent polygon with largest area
- join to the neighboring polygon with the longest common
- delete
- Clean gaps - finds the gaps between adjacent polygons and joins the empty areas to the
adjacent polygon with largest area.
- Dissolve: - dissolves adjacent polygons with equal attributes from user specified
fields. Multiple fields can be specified. Updates attributes
according user defined union rules.
- Split polygon with selected features of a polygon theme. Updates
attributes according user defined split rules
- Create a label point theme to keep the attributes of the polygon theme
- Transfer attributes from a label point theme to a polygon theme
B. Local: - New concept for drawing,
copying, buffering with maintaining the theme clean (no overlaps). User defined way of how
the new polygons will be added. See User Guide for more information.
- Select with
- rectangle (inside or crossing)
- polygon (inside or crossing)
- circle (inside or crossing)
- polyline
- Adding new features:
- Draw polygons
- polygon - as the standard AV tool
- drag rectangle (square) - similar to the standard AV tool
- drag circle - as the standard AV tool
- rectangle by user defined origin, width, height, rotation angle (with preview)
- circle by user defined center,
radius (with preview)
- ellipse by user defined center, Axis1, Axis2,Rotation angle & precision (with
- Draw donuts
- drag circle - user defined donut width
- drag rectangle - user defined donut width
- circle donut by user defined
center, radius, donut width (with preview)
- rectangle donut by user defined origin, width,
height, rotation angle, donut width (with
- ellipse donut by user defined center, Axis1, Axis2, donut width, Rotation angle
& precision (with preview)
- Draw line - buffer
- Copy polygons from another theme
- Copy lines from a theme - buffer
- Draw line - advanced buffer
- various buffer distance - user defines start and end buffer distance (linear
interpolation in between)
- buffer with or without caps
- one side buffers - user defines left or right side of the line (direction taken into
- various combinations from the above
- Copy line from a theme - advanced buffer (see above)
- Editing
- explode multipart polygons
- fill the holes in a polygon
- buffer a polygon
- reshape a polygon
- join a polygon to the adjacent one (user defines which polygon attributes to be kept)
- local dissolve - user selects polygon and dissolve fields, all the adjacent polygons
with the same values for the dissolve fields are joined to the selected one
- split the polygon theme with selected features of existing polyline theme. Updates attributes according user defined split rules.
- Copy attributes - as for polyline